float özelliği bir elemanın (img, table, div vd.) konumunu belirlemek (sağa veya
sola ) için kullanılır. Bir elemana flaot:left
değeri verirseniz diğer elemanlar o elemanın sağından akar. (Bu HTML deki resme
(img) uygulanan align="left" ve align="right" ile özdeş bir özelliktir.)
Float özelliği CSS ile tablosuz web sitesi oluşturma metodunun
en önemli öğelerinden biridir.
Değerler: left | right | none |inherit
<title>Untitled Document</title>
p img {float: right;margin: 25px;}
<p><img src="http://lal38.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/156566_114760725257307_112145062185540_81836_3320160_n.jpg?w=523"
width="250" height="165"
alt="Mevlana" />Hz.
Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi is the great Anatolian mystic, poet and the father of the Mevlevi Order. He is known as Hz. Mevlana
in the East and as Rumi in the West. At birth, his family named him Muhammed,
though he came to be nicknamed Celaleddin. As for “Mevlana”, it connotes to “our master”, while “Rumi”
relates to “the land of Rum” or “Anatolia”, where he lived. In his lifetime, he was also referred
to as “Hudavendigar”, meaning “distinguished leader”, whereas his present
internationally renowned title “Mevlana” was very seldom used. The name “Rumi” was added to the
end, rather later on..</p>
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